The Conversation

The Conversation

Friday, September 4, 2015

So people matter.  Really matter!

The last few days I have been watching the news about what is alegedly largest migrant crisis in Europe's history.  Thousands of families, men, women, and children who have been dislodged from their homes in the Middle East due to war. 

It has only been over the last few days that my mind has come to understand the level of crisis affecting thousands of lives.  I find that so much of the time Americans (including myself) want to ignore the the reality of tragic situations such as these.  For me, acknowledging this situation, and others just like it, is very unsettling.  But I think I need to be unsettled.
People matter.

Choices matter.

What we do matters.

What is real and what is true matters also.  For example, human beings were created...or they weren't.  This matters.  

If a person believes they were created and they believe that they were created by a being that is vastly more powerful than is describable...this matters.  One the other hand.  If a person does not believe that they were created...that they are here by some sort of random event...occurring over time--this too matters.

What we believe about people matters.  It is my conviction that people matter.  They matter to me because I believe that people, all people, have been intentionally created.  By a Creator that is both powerful and loving...and Who sees everything we do. are you treating other people today?  What would others around you say about how you treat them?  Why?  What difference are you making today?

My name is Ty.  It is my hope to become a DifferenceMaker.  I approach this blog with both gratitude and pain.  My life have been a mixture of both blessing and tradgedy.  I write this blog in the midst of both, you guessed it, good things and bad.

The blessings in my life have come through the hand and hearts of others.  Without these people, these differencemakers, I would not be here.  It is my hope that I can grow in my own ability to touch lives and save lives. It is my prayer that many others with join the cause as I tell my story and the the stories of others.